1. Garth von Prufenpuden (Sold U Blinked)
  2. 11/11/2016
  3. $75,000.00
  4. A "LIfe Changing" Dog

    When you ask me questions about Garth you will hear a lot of that.  YES.  Yes, he is great with kids.  Yes, he is super fun to play with.  Yes, his obedience and protection are freaking amazing as you can see from the videos.  Yes, he loves to travel and go and hike and bike and swim.  Yes, he is good with other pets and company.  Yes, even your crazy Uncle Bob :)  Yes, he is exactly as cool as he seems in all those videos.  And YES, he really is an old soul and can just chill in the house for days watching old movies.

He really is all that and a bag of chips.  Hundreds of hours of love and training have gone into this exceptional dog.  He pedigree is impressive and he has a lot of very successful brothers and sisters already in homes.  We know and love this pedigree and that is why we repeated it.  Garth is the dog that people dream of owning, but rarely get the chance to.  Don't let this one slip past you.  Call now and talk with David to see if your situation and Garth are a perfect match.  Odds are I am going to say YES.  502-542-9747

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Unlike other companies we like to SHOW, not just TELL.  Garth has a very, very well documented upbringing from a wee puppy to now.  Check out this playlist of videos and watch him grow up right before you very eyes.  39 Videos from puppy to two years of age. WOW!!!!