Yoel's powerhouse protection is a threat to the bad guys, but his heart and steady temperment make him a fun, safe, confident dog to live with. This boy has good nerves, hundreds of hours of real world experiences and that all shows in his extensive video library we worked so hard to produce for you.
Take the time to watch our unedited video of this boy from weaning to now and SEE for yourself his personality, focus and professional training. The Proof Is In The Pudding (or video) and the Pudding is good with Yoel.
Call now and speak with Master Trainer David Harris to learn if Yoel is the right match for your lifestyle. (texting is best for faster service).
Send To FriendNEW "Video Brochure"! Elite Level Family Personal Protection Dog "Yoel"
Take A Stroll Offsite With "Yoel" For Some Protection Training
Kayaking On The Kentucky River With "Yoel"
Mr. Yoel is 3 Years Old and Taking A Bike Ride With Agility
Handsome Yoel Enjoying Offsite Training 2y6m
Yoel Mature 28m Obedience, Tricks And Ball Play Fun
Yoel 23m Personal Protection Dog Declares No Threat Is Tolerated
Yoel 21m Bi-Black GSD New Life Experience During A Boat Ride
Super Star German Shepherd Yoel 16m Fierce Protection & Obedience
Can I Get The Bad Guy?! Yoel 11m German Shepherd
Desensitization Training Yoel 8m Bi- Black GSD No Back Down Nerves
Proofing For Life Bicycle Partner Yoel 6m German Shepherd
Horse Play With "Yoel" 4 M
"Yoel" 14 Wks Obedience And Agility Obstacles
Confident Focused Strong Enthusiastic "Yoel" 10w
No. Dogs like Yoel don't just happen. A "TON" of effort, time, love and dedication to craft went into creating this amazing animal. Take your time and watch him grow up.